Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Next blog"

So, I thought of seeing what the "next blog" button can offer me.
Naturally, a lot of other blogs.
Nerdy blogs, family blogs, blogs with photos, sketches, art, drawings - you name it, you've got it.

But, man, oh, man - WHY do they need to put up music on their blogs? Really now... Those blogs were skipped so fast I can't even say what they were about or in what languages. I spent more time on blogs in languages I don't know...

So, note to self - music is divine, except when on blogs!

Right. Moving on.

First time - second try

I do have a lot of time on my hands. Which I manage to mismanage to the best of my abilities.
So, here I go (a second time, I might add) and try to organize and make sense of my time and ideas and whims and moods.

How much of the stuff one can write on a blog can be personal? My guess is that most of it, since otherwise I think it would be just a technical one, wouldn't it?!

How much of the personal stuff should one share with folks in front of a screen?

Until now, my answer was that not much of MY ideas and opinions should be written down.
But it might be a good idea to try and keep a blog.

I am trying to justify the existence of this blog. I am afraid that I am not exactly doing a good job at it.

But since I consider it a good exercise, I will stop meddling with reasons and psycho-poopoo stuff, and just get on with it.

Here, the intro is done.