Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day of Grace 9.11.2010

1. 6 continuous hours of solid sleep last night. SIX HOURS. I woke up just because I am not used to sleeping that much in one go anymore. But I woke up rested. Anyway, a very nice gift from the baby.

2. Quince season. I love quinces, bright yellow, sweet, crunchy, amazingly smelling of autumn. Yum.

3. Warm autumn days. Sunny, crispy days are great. Walking during such a day even greater. Pushing the pram with the sleeping baby inside on such a day - the greatest.

4. The feeling that everything is finally right with the world. Nice weather, happy family, wonderful roly-poly baby, nothing to worry about in the future. I daydreamt about this all my life and now I am living the dream.

5. Light-hearted, optimistic books that are easy to read. They go terrific with the 'everything is right with the world' feeling.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day of Grace 1.11.2010

This ain't my idea. I saw it somewhere. I like it, so I will use it.

The idea is that you find 5 things to be grateful for in a day.

Here are mine for today.

1. My son slept last night for a stretch of time longer than one hour. He had some rough nights last week, and we along him. And it is slowly getting better, I hope. I hear about babies sleeping 5, 6 hours, some even 8, or 10 hours. I was so sure we were heading that way soon, since he slept in 4 hours stretches since we came home. After last week, I threw my certainties out the window. So, almost 3 consecutive hours of sleep? So grateful, baby!

2. Burnt wood smell that makes a crispy November day feel like winter. I love this kind of days.

3. Christmas is getting near. First Christmas with baby! YAY!

4. Books that you can't put down. And which make your mind think new thoughts. I like that.

5. Grilled cheese sarnie. Yummy!

Aaaaand... I am back

It only takes a bit of flattery (and not even that much, indeed just a tiny leeettle beeet) to bring me back from my year of silence. I was thinking about getting back, to be honest. I am thinking of changing a bit the format. I just need the time. And for the moment I have little time for other things.

My time now belongs to my son. My 12 weeks old son. It feels surreal to even think this. My sweet, blond, blue eyed, long fingered, long awaited and wished for son. I hold him, I watch him sleeping, and I can't believe I am his mummy. I am not the first to say this as a parent, but it is incredible that my husband and I created such  perfect little being...

Victor changed me, changed us, changed how we view the world, how we think and react. Therefore it is understandable (even overstandable) that most of the posts here will be focused on that. I will try to tinker a bit with the format to make it easier to navigate around here.

Giving it another try...