Monday, November 1, 2010

Day of Grace 1.11.2010

This ain't my idea. I saw it somewhere. I like it, so I will use it.

The idea is that you find 5 things to be grateful for in a day.

Here are mine for today.

1. My son slept last night for a stretch of time longer than one hour. He had some rough nights last week, and we along him. And it is slowly getting better, I hope. I hear about babies sleeping 5, 6 hours, some even 8, or 10 hours. I was so sure we were heading that way soon, since he slept in 4 hours stretches since we came home. After last week, I threw my certainties out the window. So, almost 3 consecutive hours of sleep? So grateful, baby!

2. Burnt wood smell that makes a crispy November day feel like winter. I love this kind of days.

3. Christmas is getting near. First Christmas with baby! YAY!

4. Books that you can't put down. And which make your mind think new thoughts. I like that.

5. Grilled cheese sarnie. Yummy!

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