Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have always been more impressed and touched by sad stories involving dogs than by the ones involving humans. This is not a proof of my misanthropy, but one of my very soft spot for dogs. I love them. I think highly of any and every dog, which is certainly not a thing I can say about humans.

I have found this translation of Esenin's very touching poem about a bitch. (By the way, humans can transform even nice concepts into insults, can't they?!) Esenin knows how to really break a heart. Why everybody is disconsidering the Russians, I could never tell. They can reach depths of soul unknown and unsuspected before.

The reason I looked for this poem is because hubby told me about a doggie that seemed lost the other day in the S-bahn tunnel. It was a black poodle and had no tag and was looking disoriented, left and right, just like a human trying to recognise familiar places. It is said that it is a mistake to treat animals as human with feelings and the rest of the paraphernalia, but I am very against this stupid idea. First of all, I think animals do have feelings. Second, the humans are in general idiots and cannot be bothered to think for a second longer about anything else than their poor simple existence, so really, "popular" beliefs are not reliable source of wisdom. (Very few escape the mould of selfishness and end up altruistic, but this is rather an exception than a rule.) They should be so lucky to have the loyalty and unconditional love some animals prove for their masters, despite the despicable behaviour of the latter. Aaanyway...

I hope the poor poodle found his way back home and he is no longer out in the cold and snow.

I love dogs. I wish I could help them all have a good life and be taken care of. I wish I could make them feel loved. They do deserve a lot more than they actually get.
I hope the weather gets better soon, it seems the cold and gray affects a bit my mood.

NB - the translation is not exactly the best ever. I think the Romanian one was better. Oh, well...

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I think The Wrestler can make just about anyone feel better about their lives, with the exception, perhaps, of his fellow washed-up wrestlers. I really have mixed feelings about this one. A wasted life always makes me like that. I am not sure about the quality of the image and sound either.

And what about the cast and crew thanking Axl Rose for donating the right to use Sweet Child o' Mine?! I love GNR, both Use Your Illusion albums still stand rock solid, but frankly, Axl cannot be a bigger has-been. Just like Mickey Rourke. God! I am puzzled by the fact how we all start with virtually the same chances in life, and still a lot manage to mess up royally. When we are kids, we all look bright and bubbly and promise to be great, and something happens on the way to greatness and many are detoured. I find it even more heart-breaking when grown-ups manage to have it all and lose just because they can.

From this year's Oscar competitors, Frost/Nixon still remains the best in my book. Still have to see Slumdog, but I doubt it's that good, it won an Oscar after all, didn't it?