Holidays are great, they are the best and largest excuses source ever for indulging oneself in things one normally would sorely try to resist temptation to yield to. So I will not bother my two readers with stories of scrumptious food and palate-tickling beverages, sun bathing, dolce farniente, and any other similar activity.
I will resume myself to listing some apparently trivial, yet not all that useless observations (especially for those slower with the synapsing thing).
1. Don't kick rocks. Willingly or not, kicking rocks, small or large, is a habit you should avoid. Walking with damaged toes is scarcely pleasant, and meddling with the metacarpals is hardly more gratifying.
2. People tend to be right especially if something not particularly pleasant is at stake. It is flattering when you are proven right after many have told you the opposite. Unfortunately, being right is not always pleasant, since 'truth' rarely is. Nevertheless, the ability to 'read' into happenings and people nicely butters up one's own self.
3. The conundrum of to tell or not to tell remains as such, a conundrum. If you tell people something personal, rarely will you receive the reaction you expect. Not telling and them finding out anyway equals secrecy and on purpose malevolence. No one ever thinks of the other in such occasion, only about how THEY THEMSELVES were affected (usually this is altogether pointless for the entire situation and participants but for the person in question).
4. Preaching does not mean actually doing what is preached. More precisely, too many preach tolerance while not being tolerant themselves. And God knows we DO need tolerance, from the small, insignificant matters to the huge ones.
5. People are NEVER satisfied with what they have. If it is cold, then they long for hot weather. But not too hot. When they do get it, they miss the familiar cold and claim to prefer it to the hot. This lasts until they actually do get it. Moment when they switch back to hot wanting again. Replace 'hot' and 'cold' with any other pair of antonyms and you have the accurate picture of the human psyche. Now, I'm gonna put on my warm socks, because the cold I was missing when I spent last week under scorching sun is starting to get to me.
Corollary: I do hope this helps humans progress, although the only progress I can fathom right now is in the whinging department.
6. Packing is messier than unpacking. I knoooow, this IS a surprise, but it is nevertheless true.
7. The source of platitudes never dries out. NEVER. :-)
On this note, dear two readers, I leave you to another classic of the Andrews Sisters, this time with Danny Kaye, which conveys number 5 better than I ever could. Civilization... I'll stay right here!
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