Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tolerance or how I got the opportunity to have the questions on life answered

Tolerance is a word very much used nowadays. As it is usually easily done, people get to overuse it, accelerating the natural process of changing the meaning of a word. Think of 'ambition' or 'selfishness', they used to have negative connotations, now not so much, at least as far as ambition is concerned.

I thought of myself as pretty tolerant, and took pride in being so. But I have discovered yesterday (yet again) that theory and practice are two rather separate things.

Midday, after lunch time, a time I consider very much inappropriate to call on someone, especially if you do not know them, two ladies rang at my door. One was in her 50s, the other in her 60s, closer to 70s. They greeted me in Romanian, not quite what anyone might expect in Munich, I would think, which naturally left me speechless for 2 seconds. What did they want? To invite me to a Bible study at the Jehovah's witnesses church.

I must admit I found the invitation a bit odd, but since we shared the nationality, I told myself to be a bit more tolerant this time and indulge them for a while. I am not a religious person, I do not regularly go to church, but that does not mean I am inclined to trade my not going to my church for not going to another. What follows in italics are the thoughts that sadly I did not share with the ladies.

Seeing that I am awkwardly not knowing how to handle the situation, the younger lady thought it wise to ask me if I am 'worried about the current state of affairs in the world'. Riiiight, because this is a topic to be discussed while standing in the doorway.

'Well, it is a difficult question, certainly there are things that I am not happy about, but then life is so in general and has been since the begining of times, I think, isn't it so?'

I had to answer. I always do that. I have to answer most questions are asked in my presence, even if I am not directly asked.

I realised that I could have answered 'dibbly-doo-bup' and the reaction would have been the same. It does not really matter what you answer, it is the engaging into the discussion that they are after. No, strike that, not discussion, but monologue.

'And the terrorism, and the hunger, and the unemployment... You see, we have a Bible study group, and we are all Romanian, and we would like you to join us and study the Bible together. Because all answers to life are in there, in this Big Book.'

Hmmm, really? For me it only means that the Big Book is vague enough on certain subjects that the answer can be interpreted in various ways and leaves room for all opinions. I am not being blasphemous here, I do think it is the Big Book, but you are not hooking me up with THAT line, lady.

'We left you a brochure with six very important questions in life that people ask, and in there there are the answers to these questions. We left it last year. I am sure you got it. Do you still have it?'

I am sorry, am I being held accountable here for not storing religious propaganda leaflets that clog my mail box?

'I might have had such a leaflet in my mail box, but I must admit I did not read it thoroughly.' Which is true, I did read some of it, because it was in Romanian and it was weird to find it and wanted to know what it was about.

'We can give you another one, I have one more to spare.'

Oh, goody!

'Would you like to read out loud the answer to what is happiness from the Bible?'

'Erm... not really.' Not even for myself, so out loud in the hallway of my block of flats is definitely out of the question.

'But we are Romanians. And we need to stick together. And we can find answers together.' Precisely, flog the old national horse, dear, because this is the way to my heart.

'Look, lady, both my husband and I are orthodox. We may not go to church on a regular basis, but we are NOT considering any change of religious faith. Not now, not ever. So, while I may not dare tell you straight up 'Go on your away and may God bless you', I am telling you that I will think about your little reunion, as an intellectual exercise, but I do not promise anything. May God bless you, my dear ladies.'

The older lady was rather crossed. How can anyone pass up the most important moment of their life to have the questions of life answered? I must be a lost sheep, no doubt.

Now, they did leave a leaflet. The one they did last year as well. It is called 'Would you like to know the truth?' and it gives answers to six questions. I think there is still hope for me after all. Especially since the dishwasher delivery guys take their sweet time getting here.

The answers are structured in two parts, a) is why we ask this question, b) what the Bible tells us.

The six questions:

1. Does God really cares about us?
a) there are religions that preach sufferance existing because God allows it, but they don't give any specific example. They just point the finger, but do not want any legal troubles, I suspect.
b) God does not cause evil. Right. God cares so much that he made it possible for His purpose to become a certainty. Not quite the answer to the question asked, but still. Crystal clear.

2. Will the wars and sufferance ever end?
a) Still a lot of people die in wars and everybody may suffer. (Pretty observant people. It would have never crossed my mind.)
b) God foretells a time when peace will reign on Earth. He will also end all sufferance and injustice. No time frame mentioned. So better not hold my breath.

3. What happens to us when we die?
a) Most religions say that after death, something inside the humans lives on. Others say that the dead can hurt the living or that God punishes the sinners to live in eternal flames of hell. Bad, bad people!
b) Wrong. When people die, they cease to exist. Since the dead are not aware of anything any more, they do not feel, they can neither harm, nor do good to the living. Hmm, they might be right on this one.

4. Is there any hope for the dead?
a) We all want to live with the ones we love. It is natural to long to see once more the dear ones that passed away. Oh, the sheer simplicity of truism!
b) Most those who died shall resurrect. As per the initial intention of God, people will be brought back to life to live in a heaven on earth. So not all those who died. Who gets permission to come back? 'The obedient people'. What does that mean? And I am pretty sure I do not fall into that category.

5. How to pray so that God listen to me prayers? (Oh, Jesus... Literally.)
a) All people of all religions pray. Still, many have the feeling their prayers are not listened to. (A counter-example came to my mind: 'Please, God, please, let me win the lottery this time, please.' 'I would very much want to help you out on this one, but, for my Son's sake, buy a ticket this time, won't you?!')
b) Jesus tells us not to use clichés. If we want to be heard, we must pray as He wants us to. We must learn the will of God and then pray in harmony with it. (Oh, so THAT's where people get it wrong...)

6. How do I find happiness? (Tough one. Let's see the answer...)
a) Many think that money, fame and beauty bring them happiness. They pursue these goals, but realise that they are none the happier. (Duuh! It's certainly not only the money, but, let's face it, money certainly help. As for fame and beauty - people who think this is what happiness is about, when they lose them, they are afterwards converted to Jehovas' witnesses, I think.)
b) Obviously, true happiness can be found only if we try to satisfy our greatest need, to find out the truth about God and His intentions towards us. This can only be done by reading the Bible. (THAT simple! I knew there was some truth about this reading as a pastime.)

So, there you are. You are now as lucky as I am to know the Truth.

I can't believe I am THAT bored to have translated a darn leaflet for the Jehovah's witnesses! In my defence, I am still waiting for the dishwasher to be delivered. They should have been here an hour ago. So much for German punctuality.

Now, after actually reading the leaflet, I wonder: what precisely is the double-digit IQ needed to fall for such globberdash? When I say that the Bible is perhaps THE Big Book, I mean it is such a masterpiece of human pshychology that with apparently simple words it can be so vague on certain subjects that allows any interpretation. And since humans are made so that they are happy when they hear what they want to hear, the Bible literally speaks to anyone.

I am not trashing down God and his followers, I do believe there is a God, only for me He is not the old, white-bearded fellow dozing off up above, He (for lack of a better pronoun) is something else, which I am not going to talk about here. But passing self-evident truths as the words of God is insulting both for God and the people whom the words are addresses to. Opium for the masses does not mean boring me out of my mind or until I pass out, whichever comes first.

I am just acknowledging the fact that, to my dismay, I am not tolerant at all. But more orthodox than ever. Or better said, I am tolerant with other religions as long as they mind their own business and do not try to make me discover the Truth or, plainly said, convert me. As for the 'intellectual exercise', sod it off, I am too choleric for such an exercise.

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